Easter Sunday Supplement: 12 April 2020


‘Still glides the stream, and shall for ever glide’, 1890, Arthur Streeton, Art Gallery of NSW

Macro & Markets





Terra Incognita

…and furthermore…


…and coronavirus…

Sunday Coronavirus lockdown Youtube classic viewing

The Shock of the New 1980

Presented as well as written by Australian, Robert Hughes, this series on Art History from the mid 19th Century to the 1960s provides an often witty and always thought provoking look at the evolution of painting and its relationship with society. Anyone after some thought provoking observations on our contemporary politics, or a better awareness about art history, could do far worse than to start with this series.



Episode 1 – The Mechanical Paradise

Episode 2 – The Powers that be

Episode 3 – The Landscape of Pleasure

Episode 4 – Trouble in Utopia

Episode 5 – The Threshold of Liberty

Episode 6 – The View from the Edge

Episode 7 – Culture as Nature

Episode 8 – The Future that Was