Introducing the MacroBusiness Forum


After your responses and support for our new Membership system, today we’re trialing the MacroBusiness Forum  – a place for more robust and varied discussion. You can also access by clicking on “Forum” in the menu above.

The Forum is not intended to replace the Comments below each blog post, but to expand the discussion, make it easier to track and have a “freer” hand, including starting your own topics – on pretty much everything…

For now we’ve got a few categories to start the conversation going and will add more as the forum and community grows.


Members will notice a restricted category called “The Member’s Pavilion” where they can find latest site statistics, monthly reports and an arena to not only discuss policy suggestions and campaigns but how MacroBusiness can hold the broader media, policy and investment community to account.

If you’re logged in to the blog, you are automatically logged in to the Forum. If you haven’t registered and would like to begin engaging, sign up now!

You can also find a series of FAQ, including comment rules in the “General Discussion” category to get you going. We’ve also stitched up some moderators to help out, but if you’d like to volunteer or nominate someone, please leave a comment below and we’ll get back to you.


For now, get moving to the Forum and hopefully we’ll be able to bring you MacroBusiness TV and news services next!