Australians are ready for war. General SloMo won’t give it to them


The war on the virus that is. General SloMo invokes the most sacred Australian spirit:

We gather today at a time of great challenge for our nation, and indeed the world. We are a strong nation and a strong people, but in the months ahead this will put us all to the test like at no time since World War II. But together, Australia, we are up to this challenge.

The coronavirus that is sweeping the world will continue to change the way we live. But we must not allow it to change who we are as Australians. I know, we all know, that Australians are very concerned at this difficult time.

It is the understandable fear of the unknown. And there is much that’s not known about the coronavirus. But we must not let that fear overtake us. We must instead focus on what we do know, what we can control.

We know who we are as people, and the legacy and inspiration that has been given to us from those who have come before us and shown us the way through challenges and tests just like this.

So, we summon the spirit of the Anzacs, of our Great Depression generation, of those who built the Snowy. Of those who won the great peace of World War II and defended Australia. That is our legacy that we draw on at this time. We also know the actions we can take. The care, compassion and respect we must show from one to one another. While some must self-isolate, and we all must keep a healthy distance between us, it is important that we do all we can to ensure in the difficult months ahead that no Australian goes through this alone.

Righto. Let’s come together and fight this war to win.

Or not, at News:


NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian has angrily hit back at suggestions she has caused confusion among parents after yesterday saying schools would stay open but urging kids to stay home.

“Look, our direction in schools is very clear,” she said.

“Schools stay open. If you need to send your child to school, schools stay open. However, we are recommending at this time that parents keep their children at home. And I said that yesterday, and I say that again today.”

Ms Berejiklian bristled at a reporter’s suggestion that she had caused an “unacceptable” level of confusion on schools.

“I don’t care what criticism I get,” she said.

They are only open becasue General SloMo won’t close them. It appears all building sites are open as well.

The fact is the SloMo Government is still pursuing a “mass murder” policy of spreading the virus with half-arsed lockdowns while the states have moved to better, more draconian measures, but are being inhibited by General SloMo.


It is indeed a war that will intensify coming into Winter. And Australians are ready to fight it.

Sadly, General SloMo is not.

About the author
David Llewellyn-Smith is Chief Strategist at the MB Fund and MB Super. David is the founding publisher and editor of MacroBusiness and was the founding publisher and global economy editor of The Diplomat, the Asia Pacific’s leading geo-politics and economics portal. He is also a former gold trader and economic commentator at The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, the ABC and Business Spectator. He is the co-author of The Great Crash of 2008 with Ross Garnaut and was the editor of the second Garnaut Climate Change Review.