Weekend Links July 13-14

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Global Macro/Markets:

  • Energy prices shouldn’t be rising, but traders keep pushing them higher – Quartz
  • Explaining the bond market selloff: Traders versus economists – The Economist
  • A Peek at Trucking Data, and Then the Stock Surged – WSJ
  • Bernanke: Still day trading the economy and stocks love it – Upside Trader
  • Avoiding the Resource Curse: How to Manage Natural Resource Wealth for Human Development – Brookings
  • Wall street’s hottest address? K street – CNBC

North America:

  • RealtyTrac: Foreclosure Activity Drops to Lowest Level since 2006 – Calculated Risk
  • Summers Said to Show Interest in Fed Chairmanship After Bernanke – Bloomberg
  • Obama Tells Chinese He’s Disappointed Over Snowden Case – Bloomberg
  • Bernanke Departure With Duke Heralds Cascade of Fed Appointments – BBG , bet on it here
  • Avg 30-Yr Mortgage Rate Jumps Again To Two-Year High 4.51% – Barrons


  • Schaeuble: EU Plan for bank resolution ‘On shaky foundations’ MNI
  • Ford sees turnaround in Europe – France 24
  • Code of silence seeks to avert bailout revolt in German poll – FT
  • British Banks ‘Bamboozled’ Government, Ex-BOE’s Jenkins Says – Bloomberg
  • Spain Prepares Cuts in Renewable-Energy Subsidies – WSJ


  • China finance minister signals may accept growth below 7 percent Reuters , Bloomberg
  • China cuts growth target… or does it? – FT


  • Employ busy women, save billions AFR
  • Campbell Newman gets more time for talks on Gonski reforms The Oz
  • NBN board hires lobbyists to win Coalition’s favour – AFR


  • Your smartphone is making you fatter, finds study Firstpost
  • Egypt faces moment of reckoning on its economy as protests wane – FT
  • Al Jazeera staff resign after ‘biased’ Egypt coverage – GulfNews
  • Revealed: how Microsoft handed the NSA access to encrypted messages – Guardian