Data for the Week


This is it folks. A big week in data and macro events both locally and internationally. All eyes are on the RBA (Reserve Bank of Australia) to restart cutting rates on Tuesday, the only question is it 25 basis points (or bps or 0.25%) or 50?

And then an avalanche of PMI (purchasing managers index) and other manufacturing/services indices from Germany, Europe (but I repeat myself), China, Chicago/US, UK and Australia.

Remember, you can keep up to date with the MacroBusiness Economic Calendar, linked on the righthand sidebar, which includes weekly and monthly data release times and the European debt auction timetable.


From the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS):

Tuesday: House price index – 8 capital cities for March 2012
Wednesday: Cost of living index for March 2012 (will be interesting to compare to “inflation” in the CPI)

From the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA):

Monday: Financial Aggregates (private sector lending)
Tuesday: Monetary policy meeting, Commodity price index
Wednesday: Chart Pack

Other Local and New Zealand data

Monday: TD Securities Inflation for April, HIA New home sales
Tuesday: AIG Manufacturing Index for April, RPData-Riskmark house price index for March, NZ Labour Cost


Monday: German retail sales, EMU M3 money supply, Italian CPI, US personal income and Chicago PMI
Tuesday: China PMI Manufacturing, UK PMI Manufacturing, US Redbook and ISM Manufacturing
Wednesday: German unemployment and PMI Manufacturing, EMU PMI Manufacturing, Italian PPI, US ADP Employment and factory orders
Thursday: UK PMI Services, EMU PPI and ECB meeting, US jobless claims and ISM non-manufacturing index
Friday: German PMI services, EMU PMI services and retail sales, US employment