Via the Department of Blah.
In seasonally adjusted terms, job advertisements decreased by 2.5% (or 5,400 job advertisements) in December 2024 to stand at 214,600. Vacancy numbers continue at elevated levels, with around 25% more advertisements in the labour market presently than compared with the monthly average for 2019.
The monthly Vacancy Report includes spotlights on key facets of the Australian labour market. These bring together the wider breadth of data produced by Jobs and Skills Australia and our external stakeholders to provide an overarching summary of a particular labour market segment.
This month’s spotlight ‘Year in review 2024’ revisits some of the most popular topics covered in the Vacancy Report over 2024 to provide updated and revised analysis.
Headline and detailed results for occupations, skill level groups and regions are also available in the Vacancy Report.

Skilled vacancies are falling faster than overall vacancies, which is no surprise. Employment creation is dominated by government bullshit jobs for Indian migrants so skills are not needed.

Keep the sub-altern bureaucrat boom running!