It is on its way to becoming a minor party anyway. Less than one in three people voted for it. So, let’s get on with it:

The false advertising of “Labor” calling itself “labor” is becoming steadily apparent to all. The erasure of the “u” is not enough to justify the existence of a radical right-wing party utterly hostile to workers.
The same goes for “unions.” Shuffle the consonants, and you will get the word “super.” Not “super” as in excellent. Super as in “superannuation.”
This is the kind of super you get when you cross the Man of Steel with a $4 trillion pool of money that the planet Krypton would have destroyed itself to get its hands on.
Let us recognise that the best intentions of Jo-El, the father of Superman, misfired when he sent his son to the wrong planet.
Through a quirk of quantum mechanics or a mundane navigational error, the results are evident for all to see. Would you:
- Sell your wife for a slice of four trillion dollars? Yes.
- Sell your children for a slice of four trillion dollars? Yes.
- Sell freedom for four trillion dollars. Yes.
- Dehouse generations for fourth trillion dollars. Yes.
- Destroy wages for four trillion dollars. Yes.
- Sell your left leg for four trillion dollars. Yes
- Give Sauron the One Ring to rule Middle Earth for four trillion dollars. Yes.
- Allow the reanimated corpse of Elvis Presley to sodomise you for the 4 trillion. Yes.
There is nothing that any rational human being would not do for four trillion dollars, which is the basic driver of Labor today.
This is why it has become the party of corporate Australia to such an extent that it is happy to throw our young, vulnerable and mentally out of housing and onto the streets like trash.
Labor has ceased as a political entity interested in anything besides getting a slice of four trillion dollars.
Super should taken out of union and Labor hands and given to some independent legislative entity.