The Australian political economy is transformed…into a mental illness.
From the hopes of personal freedom, fulfilment, and liberalism of the 1980s Boomer generation, we have shifted into a structurally disenfranchised Generation Y with zero prospect of upward mobility.
Wages are low. House prices are impossible. Rents are a moon rocket.
This baleful class warfare cuts across all forms of participation in society.
Whether it is work, politics, or recreation, everything is now an advanced form of gaslighting to protect the psychopathic system.
A society that once privileged egalitarianism has been replaced with an artificial projection of community behind which power collects all the gains.
In politics, Labor stands for capital. Liberals stand for Gangsterism. Greens stand for environmental destruction in league with capital. Independents stand for nothing. Policy process is non-existent.
At work, the economy is layer upon layer of bullshit jobs, stalked by a perpetual supply shock from offshore immigration that crushes wage growth.
Multiple jobs and more hours are the only way to prevent living standards from sliding faster.
In recreation, even sport is not immune. Once iconic national sports are disintegrating as waves of ascorbic multiculturalism wash them away. Commercialism warps rules. Teams and clubs are gladiator cults.
The rise of women’s sports is no better. Clogging airwaves with substandard spectacle yoked to a top-down enforced loyalty that leaches the undertaking of meaning.
That is, if they are women at all. Even sexuality is unsafe. Men are women. Women are men. Pronouns get you sacked. Awkwardness is a felony, even if a pneumatic drag queen serves you advice about concrete at Bunnings.
In the collective forums of discussion about these issues, violent censorship reigns. A mind-controlling autocratic virtue signal radiates from the propaganda towers of the fake left and fake right press in equal measure. It demands loyalty to narrow culture wars over reason and debate.
The only agreement in the fake media binary is that it will not challenge the forces of production driving the entire sickness: the refusal to tackle vested interests on behalf of consumers, the refusal to tackle immigration for affordable accommodation and wages, and the refusal to tackle the extractive firms that gut the earth and government alike.
This seamless convergence of power and capital has robbed younger generations of hope and the individuating urge to rebel.
They seek meaning instead by inverting Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, abandoning their fundamental rights to home and fair pay for the phony self-actualisations broadcast by the system:

But Maslow’s pyramid is a pyramid for a reason. The base is wider because it is the most important. Invert it, and you get what we have today: a generation of psychological dominos that turns rage inwards in pursuit of the infinitesimal.
And what does the psychopathic system do with this angst, anxiety, and rage manifest in losing generations?
It generously labels them “victim” and uses it against them. They are the sick ones, it says, diagnosing millions with behavioural conditions like “neurodivergence” and “ADHD” and prescribing them uppers to cope with homelessness and economic insecurity!
Or, for the genuinely insightful kids who recognise their position is hopeless and slump into righteous depression, the psychopathic system gives them medical marijuana to bomb them out of the way.
All of which is subsidised by your friendly government, which cares about mental health, don’t you know?
And perhaps it is onto something.
No sane person can cope sober with the mentally ill system that is Australia’s Brave New World.