Here’s your fair-minded Treasurer at it again:
Treasurer Jim Chalmers has ruled out changes to negative gearing and capital gains.
“That’s not something that we’re proposing, not something that we are considering, not something that we are working up,” he told Sky News on Sunday.
…He agreed a person earning $160,000 a year was in “middle Australia”.
“I think of middle Australia as the people who get up and work hard to provide for their loved ones and get ahead,” Dr Chalmers said.
As said many times, this policy poltroon will never take on negative gearing.
What is more noteworthy is Chicken Chalmer’s notion of “middle Australia”. A $160k income is in the top 6% of earners.
The median, middle Australia, is half that.
As we have repeatedly seen from the outset of the Chicken Chalmers Treasury, he loathes workers—especially low-income households.
This is a pathological hatred that has expressed itself through the outright destruction of their living standards in two years:

It’s not uncommon in these ivory tower Labor types. All they can think of is escaping the stain of Australiana via multiple investment properties.