Albo substitutues Hunger Games for Commonwealth Games


As usual, the idiot Mainstream Media is focused entirely on symptom not cause.

It is wall-to-wall pearl grabbing about no more Commonwealth Games after Victoria pulled the plug because it cannot afford it.

Given Dumbass Dan only bid eighteen months ago, that gives you some notion of how stupid he is.

But, over the long term, it is neither his nor Victoria’s fault.


It is Albo that is to blame and all federal governments before him that ran the Hunger Games of mass immigration far too high, for far too long.

Victoria is broke. It has the highest debt in the land:

State budgets

The state has gone bankrupt trying to build enough infrastructure to accommodate an exploding migrant population.

This is a warning to every woketator demanding more quantitative peopling while whining about having no plan to resource it.

There is no plan because there is no way to do it. The infrastructure and housing retrofit of Melbourne and Sydney is far too expensive to make economic sense.


NSW is the other migration hot spot and its debt is not far behind VIC. It is only better because it has privatised more of its infrastructure retrofit.

Don’t be fooled. This only hides falling living standards. No private sector provider in their right mind will borrow and build crazy retrofitting projects without monopoly tolling. So the cost is passed to consumers in a new category of expenses outside of taxes.

Nor is there an answer in notions like high-speed rail to shift quantitative peopling to the regions. Rail retrofitting faces the same crushing costs when it arrives in metro areas. Or it will run on existing lines and be slow. Either way, it is another fall in living standards measured in lost money, time and productivity.


The whole system is massively regressive as well. It is never rich areas that are quantitatively peopled. They are beneficiaries of the businesses that crush-load lower socio-economic groupings, which almost always includes the migrants.

Of course, it is regressive! It is a system pioneered by Coaliton governments to benefit their rich constituents.

John Howard began it with his refugee bait and switch, pretending to be tough on borders while flooding the country with economic migrants.


Importantly, he did have the excuse of a once-per-century mining boom that was sucking in labour resources.

It was when that boom went bust that the rot set in. For the first time in Australian history, the Abbott/Turnbull/Morrison regimes lifted immigration into an economic bust.

Immigration changed from economic complement to economic driver and the consequences were dire for workers.


Ten years of weak per capita growth, productivity and wages contemporaneous with the erosion of all public amenities.

As the rich fed and fattened on the immigration carcass of falling living standards.

This is the depth and breadth of Albo/Greens treachery and betrayal of traditional left-wing politics. The woke/left alliance has taken power and intensified the inequitable system.


They have substituted the Commonwealth Games with the Hunger Games of quantitative peopling.

Not only are Aussie workers getting less bread, no roofs over their children’s heads, and crush-loaded in every public service, they can no longer distract themselves with state-sponsored circuses.

About the author
David Llewellyn-Smith is Chief Strategist at the MB Fund and MB Super. David is the founding publisher and editor of MacroBusiness and was the founding publisher and global economy editor of The Diplomat, the Asia Pacific’s leading geo-politics and economics portal. He is also a former gold trader and economic commentator at The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, the ABC and Business Spectator. He is the co-author of The Great Crash of 2008 with Ross Garnaut and was the editor of the second Garnaut Climate Change Review.