The thing is, cartels look all tough on the outside. But, they are made up of soft caramel on the inside. When you call them out, they melt like Fantails in the hot sun.
As the Albanese Government has steeled itself to call out these bullies in the past week, guess what? The local gas price has halved $20Gj across the east coast and is as low $12Gj in Victoria today. This, as Asian export gas prices march to the heavens:
More importantly, the Aussie electricity price is following gas straight down:

The Albanese Government should not be fooled. The cartel is playing politics. It should install harsh reservation with a price trigger of $7Gj immediately.
Do not bother raising public awareness any further. Just drop the anvil on them and let them chase you, like QLD did with its recent coal royalty hikes.
They’ll bleat like stuck pigs at the AFR but they will have already lost.
For more, here is yours truly on 2GB last night: