Power forecasting the inevitable decline of coal


I love predictions, especially about the future, and apart from the boffin masters at Martin Place with their inflation dart throwing workouts, the chaps at the IEA (International Energy Agency) are not having a good decade.

Here’s their forecasts for US coal generation in the last decade vs actual electrical production:

Versus solar additional power supply – even in the face of some robust opposition in the US, continued fossil fuel subsidies and lower oil prices – (charts courtesy of Ramez Naam):


Which has caused the price of electricity to fall drastically when done with solar and wind, now cheaper than coal or gas, let alone super expensive (and tailend risky) nuclear:

This is being seen locally with solar power generating more than coal for the first time late last year – but only for a sweet moment – as Australia remains completely behind the curve in switching to renewables, despite how cheap its getting and how crystal fucking clear it is that coal and gas should never be used again to generate power….
