Mortgage offset accounts flooded with early super money


As we know, early withdrawals from superannuation ballooned to $28.0 billion in the week ended 19 July:

The Australian Treasury now expects about $41.9 billion in total to be withdrawn from super funds, compared with its previous forecast of $29.5 billion.

Analysis of banking data shows that most of this money is being saved, used to reduce debts or placed in mortgage offset accounts:


Government analysis of banking sector data has indicated the “vast majority” of the early release payments are being saved, placed in offset accounts to reduce mortgage interest payments or put ­towards debt repayment.

About 58 per cent of early ­release payments are classified as “saved/unspent” and remain in workers’ accounts…

“We know almost 60 per cent of those accessing their super early have used it or plan to use it to meet essential day-to-day ­expenses, including paying down debts, with another 36 per cent adding the money to their savings,” the Treasurer said…

Separate Australian Bureau of Statistics survey data has suggest­ed that 60 per cent of those ­accessing their superannuation early had used it to meet essential day-to-day expenses — including debt repayment – while a further 36 per cent had added the money to their savings.

Paying down one’s mortgage is a good use of savings. The interest saved is pre-tax, so based on an average discount mortgage interest rate of 3.65% and a marginal tax rate of 30%, implies an after-tax return of 4.7%.

Most Australians would also value keeping a roof over their heads above a bit of additional retirement income in 30-plus years.

About the author
Leith van Onselen is Chief Economist at the MB Fund and MB Super. He is also a co-founder of MacroBusiness. Leith has previously worked at the Australian Treasury, Victorian Treasury and Goldman Sachs.