How NSW Liberals sucker punched first home buyers


By Leith van Onselen

An article in Wolfstreet reminded me of an infamous statement by NSW Planning Minister, Anthony Roberts, where he claimed purchasing a Sydney property was a one-way ticket to wealth:

Below are the juiciest quotes from the article, published in February 2017, which MB comprehensively destroyed:

“Once you are in the Sydney housing market you are pretty well set then for the rest of your life”…

“We are not dealing with a bubble in the Sydney market… There is no bubble here. There might be a slowing down of growth. But the way the population is moving, and the population trending, which is upwards, you will find house prices will continue to rise”.

“What I want to do is to get people into the market place and then they can be beneficiaries of the increase in the value of their property.”


At the time, Sydney’s dwelling values had hit an insane 9.1 times household incomes, according to CoreLogic, up from 6.7 in 2012:

Shortly afterwards making these comments, the NSW Government implemented stamp duty exemptions for first home buyers (FHB) from 1 July 2017, which led to a surge in demand:


Since the NSW Government introduced its FHB bribe, this is what has happened to Sydney dwelling values:


That’s right, Sydney’s dwelling values have plummeted by more than 13%, according to CoreLogic!

This means that many of the FHBs enticed into Sydney’s bubble are now facing negative equity.

The NSW Government sucker-punched FHBs.


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About the author
Leith van Onselen is Chief Economist at the MB Fund and MB Super. He is also a co-founder of MacroBusiness. Leith has previously worked at the Australian Treasury, Victorian Treasury and Goldman Sachs.