Liquid fluoride thorium reactors


I’m no energy expert, hell I’m not even an energy novice. But there is no doubt that energy provision and security is a massive driver for the world’s economy and politics.

Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors are a technology that seem to be getting a lot of attention recently and I understand that the Chinese have a development program underway to explore their potential. If that program can deliver then it is quite likely that we will witness a signifcant change in the economics of world energy.

Below is a series of presentation by Kirk Sorensen who seems to be somewhat of a thorium evangelist. Obviously I can’t vouch for any of this information because it is certainly nowhere near my area of expertise. But if you have a spare 90 minutes this is certainly interesting and thought provoking stuff. Mr Sorensen mentions the Chinese program around 36:00.


For more information check out this site.