Supporting employee wellbeing: 5 strategies to boost productivity in the workplace


Workplace wellbeing has become a pretty hot topic lately. And for good reason! All the research shows that when employees are happy and healthy, they bring way more energy and productivity to the job. But let’s be real – with all the demands nowadays, work can take a major toll on mental health.

Just look at the stats here in Australia. In 2023, less than half of employees reported having high well-being. That’s down 4% from the previous year! Clearly, we’ve got a problem on our hands.

But here’s the good news – there are some proven strategies companies can use to turn these concerning stats around. Minor shifts to workplace culture and policies can make a major difference in how energised and motivated employees feel. Even small things like offering a bit more flexibility or prioritising open communication go a long way.


The payoff for getting this right? Happier, healthier, more loyal, and driven employees who feel empowered to crush goals. That passion directly translates to improved business outcomes. It’s a win-win all around. So, here are 5 powerful ways companies can boost employee wellbeing and get the best from their people:

1. Promote a Strong Positive Work Culture

A strong, positive culture focused on psychological safety and belonging is key. After all, there is no doubt that employees who feel comfortable being themselves at work are more engaged and will feel empowered to contribute.


Little things like encouraging social connections, recognising achievements in a performance review email, and promoting work-life balance can make a big difference day-to-day. No one wants to drag themselves to a boring or toxic workplace every morning!

In fact, there is plenty of research out there that shows that employees who feel happy and accepted at work are more productive on average – and teams with a strong sense of belonging have employee retention rates higher than industry norms. So putting effort into building an inclusive, supportive environment directly boosts performance and the bottom line.

Simple practices like team-building activities, diversity training, appreciating achievements, and policies that promote work-life balance will also demonstrate an organisation’s commitment to well-being. When people feel happy, accepted, and valued at work, they’re intrinsically motivated to do their best.


2. Offer Flexibility

Giving employees flexibility and control over when and where they work reduces stress and helps them manage responsibilities. Options like remote work, compressed schedules, or flexible hours demonstrate trust and empower people to work when they’re most productive. Just ask your employees what flexibility would help them. Accommodating individual needs makes people feel valued.

Once again, flexibility leads to higher job satisfaction, lower absenteeism, and increased commitment and loyalty. Employees provided flexibility, feel trusted and perform better as a result. Even small gestures like allowing occasional work from home or adjusting start and end times based on circumstances can make a big difference day-to-day.


3. Prioritise Mental Health

These days, a rising percentage of adults are struggling with mental health – this issue can’t be ignored. Companies should promote resources like counselling, train managers on mental health awareness, and foster open conversations around stress and burnout. Getting rid of stigma and making support accessible prevents small issues from spiralling into crises down the road.

Providing comprehensive mental health coverage, easy access to counselling, and promoting an open environment around mental health demonstrates a genuine commitment to employees’ well-being. Managers should be trained on signs of burnout and equipped to support struggling team members. Small investments here pay off exponentially in productivity and lives improved.


4. Encourage Open Communication

Managers should have regular check-ins to see how their team members are doing – personally and professionally. Employees need to feel safe speaking up about problems or voicing constructive criticism. Facilitating two-way feedback in such a way improves workplace culture as listening shows employees their insights are valued.

If you’re looking for some ways to establish these open communication channels, opt for regular surveys, open office hours, anonymous feedback options, and informal chats. These all create opportunities for honest communication. Employees want their voices heard, and their insights often highlight issues leaders are unaware of. Listening and responding to feedback cultivates trust and a sense of shared purpose.


5. Invest in Professional Development

Investing in your people’s growth and skills development is a total win-win. Employees feel valued knowing their company wants to help them advance in their careers. And supporting their learning keeps them engaged and passionate about their work. Even small things like lunchtime skill shares, mentorships, or pitching in for online classes make a difference. When companies invest in their people, it motivates them to invest themselves in return.

Offering things like tuition reimbursement, professional workshops, and mentorship shows you’re serious about nurturing talent. Employees thrive when they’re continuously improving and reaching their potential. No one wants to feel stuck in a dead-end job. So facilitating growth opportunities is key for motivation and retention.


Plus, skill-building is exciting! Trying new things energises people and keeps the job feeling fresh. So if you want an innovative, passionate team, make professional development a priority. Supporting growth is truly one of the best investments a company can make.

Final Word

At the end of the day, a company’s success rides on its people. Employees who feel happy and supported bring their A-game. Who’d want to go the extra mile for an organisation that doesn’t have their back? The answer to that question is simple – no one.


But when you invest in your team’s wellbeing – when you show them you genuinely care – you build serious trust and loyalty. And that motivates people to fully invest themselves in return. So, take the time to listen to your employees, be flexible, and nurture their growth. Make wellbeing a true priority, not just another HR buzzword. It’s a win-win: your people will be healthier, and your business will thrive.