We’re in The Monthly


A few months ago the Unconventional Economist and I were interviewed by Christine Kenneally a freelance journalist who has written for Time, The New Yorker, The New York Times, Slate and New Scientist, as well as other publications. In this case she was writing an article to appear in the May issue of the Monthly magazine.

Today the magazine hit the news stands and the article titled “Speech Bubbles” is out for public consumption.

Update: At the request of the Monthly magazine I have removed the contents of the story from our site. If you wish to read the article please view it on their site.

Christine has contacted me recently to inform me that she interviewed many people while writing this story including ASIC and a number of Real Estate agents. She was however limited to 1000 words for this piece so could not include all of the information that she had gathered. Hopefully this article spurs enough interest that the monthly commissions her for a part 2.
